Subaqueous Live Set


Finding how to play your original music in a Live context can be a whole other journey. This Live set is the culmination of years of experimentation. In it you will see how I perform my music and lay it out. It’s a totally working set and includes one of my tracks all setup for performance.


Finding how to play your original music in a Live context can be a whole other journey. This Live set is the culmination of years of experimentation. In it you will see how I perform my music and lay it out. It’s a totally working set and includes one of my tracks all setup for performance.

This Live Set Includes:

  • 1 Ableton Live Set usable in Live 8 and 9
  • Set includes 3 full mixdown track
  • 8 custom Audio Effect Racks with easy control Macros
  • Custom Return Track and routing for Dub Delay Effect
  • Video walkthrough

I’ve tried many different ways of performing over the many years, and this template is the perfect blend of pre-composed for quality as well as allows for improving This Live Template shows off the technique. Also, the download includes a private video of how I perform with this.

UPDATE for V2.0

Over the years I have been constantly improving my live set and this template. After a year I have done a huge overhaul of the Template. This includes more advanced routing, dummy clips, and an in-depth manual.  I also have a new version that uses the advantages of Max for Live and one that would work for anyone with Live 9 standard.

Here is an image of the mapping layout for my controller, and can be used to set up any controller how you would like:

Default Mapping Live Set

Live Set Effect routing

The Subaqueous Live Set v2 is made to be very user-friendly.  In the backend of things, it is still complex and cutting edge, but it’s been set up to easily map a controller and start rocking out. The Live set also comes with 2 full tracks set up for performance.

Included in V2:

  • Still gain access to Legacy Version (v1 for Live 8)
  • In-depth Manual for the Live Set
  • 1 Live Set for M4L
  • 1 Manual Mapping Live set for anyone using Live 9 Standard
  • Free updates to future versions

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