Essential tools to jumpstart you into the world of 432 and microtonal music. 77 custom instruments that are tuned to 432 and Scale of Fifths. You can drag and drop the instruments into your production to quickly start creating in 432.
432 Essentials
If you have been wanting to dive into making music in 432 tuning or get your feet wet in microtonal music then this is the pack for you. This Ableton Live pack was created by Ableton Certified Trainer Isaac Cotec to give you easy access to making music in 432. The pack is full of custom instrument and an example Live Set.
432 Trailer:
There is also a PDF included in the pack that walks you through making music in 432. It goes through setting up live instruments and third party VST’s.
The Live Pack includes:
- -43 432 instruments
- -34 instruments in Scale of Fifths
- -1087 Samples!
- -Instruments in easy to manipulate instrument racks
- -Information on how to create your own instruments
- -Get all updates for free
- -1 Example Live Set Template
- -PDF on 432 tuning and Scale of Fifths
Live Pack is made using Live Suite 9 but can be used with Live standard minus a few operator instruments in the live pack.
The PDF takes you step by step in making music in 432 as well as the Scale of Fifths. The PDF is available for free download below. Here are a few images as examples of what is in the PDF showing you where the settings are in Live Instruments to change the tuning to 432.
To download the free PDF just sign in or join the Subaqueous Website. It will then show you the download link.
All download files are in the Ableton Live Pack. Just install the Live Pack and open the Live Set to see the Readme, Manuals, and more.