I am diving back into music production and finding myself obsessed with Arabic scales and instruments.  I’ve always loved the Hammer Dulcimer and created an Instrument Rack. One for western scales and others for the Maqam scales.

Instrument Rack Ableton Live Santur Hammered Dulcimer

Here is a walkthrough video of the instrument:


Here is the Download Link Below:

Download the Live Pack

I am also really getting into Maqam music and using quartertones, or 1/2 flats.  I’ve been working on some resources around this style of music and Ableton Live and hope to have it for you all soon. If you are interested in knowing more, please comment bellow.

Enjoy the instrument rack!

This instrument has been featured on the new album, Shatter Spells. Check it out below:

Steam and download on other platforms