Coming back from Ableton Loop Event and feeling hella inspired. Just set up my studio again and started making music… because isn’t that the point?
The classes and workshops were really mind-blowing. I took classes on making synths with paper, Artifical Intelligence in music, the art of listening, and so much more.
Here is a video I made of my experience at Loop 2018. You can see how excited I was and pick up some of what I learned. Also… there is a little teaser in there for something amazing.
<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>
My overall experience was great at Loop. Ableton really goes all out with these events. I got to hang out with other teachers I admire, meet new musicians, pick up new skills, and come out with new ideas to put into my tracks. So yeah… a success for sure. Next year I hope it’s back in LA, it’s a lot easier of a trip then Berlin, but either way, I hope to make it out.
If you went, I would love to hear in the comments what your favorite part of Loop was.