I love adding texture to my track.  You’d think that would be through pads and layers of ambient sound design… but no… there is so much more than you can do.

That is why I made the Textureal Drums (yes… I know I spelled that wrong).

I made this Ableton Live Drum Rack with unique drum sounds from my collection and added effects to give them textural life.

Check out this quick video preview I made:


Download For Free / By Donation:

Grab the Live Drum Rack


How I Use It?

When I am writing a track, I like to add layers and texture on top of my beat. To do this I create a Trap Beat… or whatever is ????. Once that is going I like to throw in the Textureal Drum Rack. That way I can add sparse, yet interesting hits that add a unique layer to the sound. I find it gives the sound life and makes the beat feel more intriguing.  It seems so simple, but it really brings things to a new level.


Keep Making Music!

Now that you have the Live Pack, feel free to use it royalty free in your own music. I also have a massive collection of other free Live Packs and Drum Racks on the site, so feel free to poke around the blog for more.